Stepics Set of images made for a puzzle game Stepics available free on the App Store: More images on Behance:
Stepics Set of images made for a puzzle game Stepics available free on the App Store: More images on Behance:
Advokaatti Magazine Editorial illustration for Advokaatti magazine. “Casual chatting with the judge”.
Mount Tapmore Concept art for a mobile game combining everyday activity with an adventure game. Valley of Mount Tapmore.At the top of the mountain.Mt. Tapmore Font.View from a forest.Portfolio of collectible flowers.Map of Mount TapmoreOld people living in a cabin in the valley.Background image for a website.
Mount Burnmore Images from puzzle game / activity app Mount Burnmore made for Apple Watch. Mount Burnmore on the App Store: Main character and environment of the game. Meals player needs to eat to solve puzzles. 5 Mountains (Level backgrounds)
Avannossa Some images from a storyboard of comic telling a story of an injured athlete and a reporter.
National Land Survey Of Finland Illustrations for the leaflet (also used in other material) about NLS´s values.Front and back cover.Together as individuals. Always at your service. Trustworthy companion. Brave seeker. Mapping environment using latest technology.Securing landholding.
Aalto Magazine illustrations Magazine illustrations for Aalto Magazine People giving attention to mobile devices instead of sharing ideas face to face.Succesful people have deep knowledge and they want to share ideas with others. Wide knowledge of things makes the perfect mix. What happens in brains when doing research? Consultant researcher. Research reports for sale.
Prints Digital art prints Desperate Housewifes – Set of 5 images 32x45cm. Coffee Break 32x45cm.
Bleap Images for a game telling a story of Bleap, flickering dot on a heart rate monitor´s screen.
Kanava Magazine Cover illustration for Kanava. How small parties may have solutions to stucked political conversation.